Reconnecting After Infidelity: 12 Meaningful Activities for Rebuilding Trust and Intimacy

Reconnecting After Infidelity: 12 Meaningful Activities for Rebuilding Trust and Intimacy

Rebuilding trust and intimacy after infidelity is a challenging journey, but it’s crucial for couples committed to reconciliation.  Trust is a necessary building block for a strong, healthy marriage.  In our book, The Journey to Stay, we explore several practical actions that help to build trust in a marriage divided by infidelity. We also gave […]

Nurturing Love in a Digital Age: 5 Ways Your Smartphone is Hurting Your Marriage!

Your smartphone is hurting your marriage.

Do you know if your smartphone is hurting your marriage? In today’s fast-paced world, where smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the impact these devices can have on our most cherished relationships. As people who value the sanctity of marriage deeply, we want to address […]

3 Warning Signs You’re Tempted to Cheat on Your Spouse (and how to avoid them!)


Are you ever tempted to cheat on your spouse? I’m pretty sure we all know that infidelity is never a good idea, but sometimes the temptation can be overwhelming. You may not even see it as temptation until you’re in the danger zone. If you’re starting to feel like straying from your relationship, it’s important […]

A Fresh Start: Is it even possible after infidelity?

A brand-new year is typically an opportunity for a fresh start. Most people look forward to cleaning the slate and making a fresh start with new goals and plans for the future. But, what about those of us whose past year included broken trust, betrayal, and infidelity? Is it even possible to start fresh after […]

Is Porn Cheating?

The question of whether or not pornography use is cheating on a spouse has been debated for years.  When serving marriages divided by infidelity, we are asked this question frequently: Is porn cheating? Our aim in writing this article is to give you our answer, the reason for it, and a way to apply the […]

3 Reasons it’s Hard to End an Affair and the Truth About Withdrawal

A Post from Steve, One Who Knows. Why is it so hard to end an affair?This blog post is written to the spouse who had the affair.  It’s out in the open now, you’ve said you want to work on your marriage, and you can’t understand why it’s so hard to end the affair for […]

Hope for a Hurting Marriage

These Are The Ones: Hope for a Hurting Marriage

These Are The Ones. Have you wondered how one finds hope for a hurting marriage?  I walked out of the auditorium doors just as one of our Easter services ended.  Throngs of people streamed out shortly thereafter, with my husband just behind them.  This was the third of five Easter services, and we had a […]

I Give Up.

I give up.  I can’t do this anymore.  I am done. Have you ever said any of those words?  Or words similar?  Life is hard and it sometimes presents us with situations that seem impossible. Completely impossible.  They are the kind of situations where you look at it from the inside or the outside and […]

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Finding Hope for the Betrayed Spouse

Have you discovered that your spouse has been unfaithful? Are you overwhelmed with grief and confusion? Do you question everything–including how your marriage could possibly survive this?

You are not alone. Download our free e-book to use as a resource to receive guidance and wisdom on how to navigate the discovery of infidelity.