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Debunking 5 Myths about Affair Recovery

Debunking 5 Myths about Affair Recovery

When it comes to affair recovery, everyone’s got an opinion and there are 5 myths that come up frequently as we care for marriages divided by infidelity.  During our own healing process, we had at least one person or resource spouting these 5 myths as truth. However, as a healed

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How to Overcome Anger in Marriage After an Affair

How to Overcome Anger in Marriage After an Affair

Overcoming anger after the discovery of an affair is a topic frequently discussed with the couples we guide. The aftermath of infidelity often brings forth a myriad of emotions, and anger can be one of the most challenging to confront.  When my husband’s affair was revealed, anger was my primary

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Surviving Infidelity: 12 Steps to Affair Recovery

Surviving Infidelity: 12 Steps to Affair Recovery

Surviving infidelity is not something anyone wants to have to do in their lifetime. Enduring the pain of betrayal is something we all prefer to avoid completely. No one stands at the altar on their wedding day expecting to one day walk into affair recovery. Yet, statistics show us that

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The Pause: Can a Hard Stop Be Your Best Start?

The Pause: Can a hard stop become the best start?

When faced with a challenge, is it possible a hard stop can be your best start? Could the pause be the answer? I stood completely still, nearly frozen in place, feet glued to the floor. My eyes were wide, staring into the unknown, while my tensed arms, bent at the

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Will confession free you?

Is Confession Necessary?

A Real-life Example of Whether Confession Helps or Hinders. After months of living a double life, Dan’s wife discovered he was having an affair. In fact, he was caught red-handed. To his surprise, he was relieved to be caught. In fact, he was tired of lying and just wanted to

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A Fresh Start: Is it even possible after infidelity?

A brand-new year is typically an opportunity for a fresh start. Most people look forward to cleaning the slate and making a fresh start with new goals and plans for the future. But, what about those of us whose past year included broken trust, betrayal, and infidelity? Is it even

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Is Porn Cheating?

The question of whether or not pornography use is cheating on a spouse has been debated for years.  When serving marriages divided by infidelity, we are asked this question frequently: Is porn cheating? Our aim in writing this article is to give you our answer, the reason for it, and

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Is “I’m Sorry” Enough?

Have you ever received an apology from someone who hurt you that just didn’t feel like enough? Has anyone ever said to you, “I said I’m sorry! Isn’t that enough for you?” and it wasn’t? We are going to look at the five elements that make up a quality apology

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Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?

You’ve probably heard this statement several times. ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater.’ But is it true? Today, I am going to give you our thoughts on this statement, and it might not be what you expect. Infidelity nearly broke us, and now we have dedicated our lives to serving

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How I Helped My Husband Get Over His Girlfriend

Comforting The One That Hurt You. Even after several years, I still can’t believe I was the one most capable of comforting the very person who hurt me most.  If I didn’t live it, I would have a hard time believing it.  However, I did live it.  Very much so. 

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Drastic Measures: Building Trust After The Affair

A Guest Post by Steve, One Who Knows. Are drastic measures really necessary for building trust after the affair?  Short answer? Yes.  Long answer? Yes. Standing in line at Panera, I snapped a photo on my phone and texted it to my wife.  She responded immediately. “Thank you.”  A feeling

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How do I forgive?

Love, the Antidote to Unforgiveness.

You may be saying to yourself, “How can I ever forgive?”  Love, the antidote to unforgiveness, is the furthest thing from your mind. You might be in a situation that seems unforgivable.  You may have experienced something so heinous, no one would ever expect you to forgive.  The hurt may

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These Are The Ones: Hope for a Hurting Marriage

Hope for a Hurting Marriage

These Are The Ones. Have you wondered how one finds hope for a hurting marriage?  I walked out of the auditorium doors just as one of our Easter services ended.  Throngs of people streamed out shortly thereafter, with my husband just behind them.  This was the third of five Easter

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I Give Up.

I give up.  I can’t do this anymore.  I am done. Have you ever said any of those words?  Or words similar?  Life is hard and it sometimes presents us with situations that seem impossible. Completely impossible.  They are the kind of situations where you look at it from the

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free e-book

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Finding Hope for the Betrayed Spouse

Have you discovered that your spouse has been unfaithful? Are you overwhelmed with grief and confusion? Do you question everything–including how your marriage could possibly survive this?

You are not alone. Download our free e-book to use as a resource to receive guidance and wisdom on how to navigate the discovery of infidelity.